Development Proposal Update
Dear Members,
In 2019 the members voted in favour of a redevelopment of our Club to include a new club and greens as well as residential apartments. Members voted in favour of the Club engaging Arden Clubs as the developer. Over the years we have had many conversations with The Hills Council and have generally agreed with their recommendations, leading us to believe we would have their approval. In August last year the Council voted against the Planning Proposal stating that the development did not meet their planning policies with respect to the management of traffic at Windsor and Old Northern Roads.
The Board, after consultation with planning professionals, decided to take the Planning Proposal to the NSW Planning Department which is a standard procedure in such circumstances. Last week we received notification that the Planning Proposal would not be approved based on the same traffic management issues identified by the Council. This is a very disappointing outcome for us as we have done everything in our power to satisfy the demands of The Hills Council.
There are some publications out there providing incorrect information and I would ask that you speak to myself or other Directors for the truth.
The Board will consider all options for the future and keep members informed.
Yours Sincerely,
Ken Carroll
Chairperson of the Board